Phénix Consulting Group, LLC was founded from the synergy of several professionals active in diverse industries. Partner consultant bring to the company a wealth of experience and expertise in technology, education, management, finance, fundraising and communication.
With its principal office located in Washington, DC, USA, Phénix was established as an Indianapolis, IN, USA-based Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) with seven principal partners.
Our company offers an array of services, including concept design, business and marketing plan preparation, financial services and procurement, educational advancement, IT consulting services, management development, human resources advising, and media and broadcasting services
Our Vision
Inspired by the belief that Africa is the twenty-first-century frontier for reshaping humanity and perfecting the world, in 2014 a group of professionals came together to conceive of new conditions for Africa’s progress today.
Born of this synergy, Phénix Consulting Group brings to life initiatives that discover Africa’s humanity, activate Africa’s creativity and reveal Africa’s beauty.
Through innovative networks that emphasize collaborative research and knowledge production, we turn ideas into solutions for the continent’s dynamic social, economic and political sectors.
Our Mission
Phénix Consulting Group is an international firm that provides a wide range of services and customized solutions to businesses, governmental and non-governmental entities, as well as civic associations in emerging African countries.
We help our clientele identify Africa’s most overlooked ideas, resources and skills, and we pair clients with experienced partners to capitalize on Africa’s potential for economic growth and social empowerment.
In addition to establishing and sustaining profit-generating outcomes, our activities also reinforce the concept of a beautiful twenty-first-century Africa.
For Phénix, beauty encapsulates dignity, balance, wellness, viability and leisure. We encourage our clients to envision beauty as an essential outcome of their investments in Africa, whether educational, technological, environmental or political.